Frequently Asked Questions

  • Customer advocacy, which is a subset of Customer Marketing, is the strategic practice of mobilizing satisfied customers to become brand ambassadors and vocal promoters of a product, or service. It involves customer reference managers designing and overseeing advocacy program services that leverage the positive experiences and knowledge of their organizations’ referenceable customers in order to build credibility, trust, and authenticity, with the ultimate goal of influencing potential customers and prospects positively.

    Customer advocacy management aka customer reference management, and advocacy consultants, play integral roles in the strategic implementation and success of customer advocacy programs. Customer advocacy managers oversee client reference programs, collaborating with advocacy program consultants to ensure its setup, effective administration, and ongoing managementgement. Reference managers, working in tandem with reference marketing consultants and services, expedite the creation of assets like customer case studies, customer testimonials, and videos, crucial for brand visibility and sales efforts. Advocacy consultants, particularly those specializing in Customer Advocacy Platforms (CAP) aka Reference Management Platforms (RMS) like Upland’s RO Innovation, Influitive, SlapFive, Base (formerly Crowdvocate), Orca, collaborating with advocacy program consultantsDeeto, and Point of Reference’s ReferenceEdge provide expert guidance on program implementation, advocate recruitment, reference fulfillment and timely metrics and reports.

    Sales enablement is paramount, as it empowers the sales team with a repository of well-documented customer success stories and references, contributing to trust-building and faster sales cycles. Metrics tracking, including advocacy program metrics and customer advocacy program metrics, plays a pivotal role in evaluating the overall progress of these initiatives. This involves monitoring advocate engagement rates, asset creation speed, and the impact on sales conversion rates. Through effective advocacy program administration and database management, businesses can nurture customer advocates, asset expedition and creation, and measure the success of their advocacy efforts, creating a robust framework for sustained growth and positive customer influence.

  • Customer advocacy and Customer Marketing play a vital role in customer engagement and retention. By transforming satisfied customers into brand ambassadors and leveraging platforms like Upland’s RO Innovation, Influitive, SlapFive, Base (formerly Crowdvocate), Orca, Deeto, and Point of Reference’s ReferenceEdge, businesses can create a powerful network of advocates who contribute to positive brand perception, ultimately influencing purchasing decisions.

    A well-designed advocacy program serves as the cornerstone for effectively managing customer focused initiatives. From advocate recruitment and onboarding to ongoing engagement and reference fulfillment, every stage of the program is meticulously orchestrated to maximize impact. Customer reference managers, and advocacy consultants they directly interface with, oversee the entire process to ensure seamless execution and alignment with business objectives. Through targeted outreach and personalized engagement strategies, companies can identify and nurture referenceable customers, transforming them into powerful advocates who are eager to share their success stories.

    Central to the success of any advocacy program is the creation of compelling customer materials, including case studies, testimonials, and videos. These assets serve as tangible proof of the brand's value proposition and help build credibility with potential customers. Customer advocacy and / or customer marketing programs provide a structured framework for managing and expediting the production of these assets, ensuring a steady supply of customer evidence to support sales efforts.

    In addition to driving brand awareness and influencing purchasing decisions, customer advocacy programs offer valuable insights into customer behavior and sentiment. By tracking advocacy metrics such as advocate engagement, referral rates, and program ROI, businesses can gain actionable intelligence to optimize their advocacy strategies and enhance overall performance. Tracking the growth of accounts that participate within a program is essential, but it is equally important for program managers to track the length and growth of individual participants over time. Moreover, advocacy programs facilitate ongoing communication and collaboration between advocates and internal stakeholders, fostering a sense of community and loyalty among customers.

    Ultimately, customer advocacy is not just about promoting products or services; it's about building genuine relationships and creating a network of passionate advocates who are invested in the success of the brand. By investing in advocacy programs and harnessing the collective power of satisfied customers, businesses can cultivate a loyal customer base, drive sustainable growth, and establish themselves as industry leaders.

  • A Customer Advocacy Consultant is a seasoned professional able to provide expertise and guidance on the implementation and management of Customer Advocacy Programs. Experience and proficiency in RMS / CAP platforms (Reference Management Systems / Customer Advocacy Platforms) such Upland’s RO Innovation, Influitive, SlapFive, Base (formerly Crowdvocate), Orca, Deeto, and Point of Reference’s ReferenceEdge as a must, as these consultants must be able to offer strategic guidance into best practices, program setup and management, and overall advocate engagement for successful execution.

    A customer advocacy and customer marketing consultant is a seasoned professional specialized in fostering and leveraging customer relationships to drive business growth and brand success. These consultants play a pivotal role in designing, implementing, and optimizing customer advocacy programs that aim to transform satisfied customers into vocal brand advocates.

    An ideal candidate for a customer advocacy consultant role possesses a unique blend of skills and qualities essential for nurturing and engaging customers effectively. Firstly, they should be genuinely empathetic and possess excellent interpersonal skills, enabling them to build rapport with customers and understand their needs and motivations quickly. Their curious nature drives them to continuously seek insights into customer behavior and preferences, allowing them to tailor advocacy strategies that resonate with their audience.

    Detail-oriented and meticulous in their approach, these consultants excel at managing complex advocacy programs and ensuring all aspects, from advocate recruitment and onboarding to asset creation and expedition and reference fulfillment, are executed flawlessly. They are adept at leveraging customer evidence and materials, such as case studies, testimonials, and videos, to create compelling narratives that showcase the value of the brand and drive customer engagement and retention.

    The ideal customer advocacy consultant is proactive and results-driven, consistently providing advocacy program metrics that detail progress related to organizational objectives. They possess a strategic mindset and can effectively navigate challenges and obstacles that may arise during program implementation. Additionally, they are proficient in advocacy program setup, administration, and database management, leveraging technology and tools to streamline processes and optimize program performance.

    These consultants excel at advocate nurturing and onboarding, ensuring advocates are equipped with the resources, training, and support needed to represent the brand effectively. They are skilled in launching and administering advocate hubs and communities, facilitating ongoing communication and collaboration among advocates and internal stakeholders.

    Overall, a customer advocacy consultant is a dynamic and adaptable professional who plays a critical role in driving customer advocacy initiatives and fostering a community of loyal brand advocates. Their nurturing, engaging, and empathetic approach, coupled with their attention to detail and strategic mindset, make them invaluable assets in building and sustaining long-term customer relationships and driving business success.

  • Customers might seek an advocate when navigating challenges that require real-world insights and experiences. Advocates, facilitated by Customer Reference Program Consultants, offer invaluable support, helping potential customers overcome obstacles and make informed decisions, thereby boosting confidence in their choices.

    An advocate becomes essential when a customer needs personalized guidance or assurance, especially in complex purchasing decisions or when facing unfamiliar situations. For instance, a referenceable customer who has firsthand experience with a product or service can provide valuable insights through a case study, testimonial video, or success story.

    This customer evidence serves as a trusted resource for others who are considering similar solutions. Additionally, customers may need an advocate when they encounter issues with a product or service and seek resolution or advice from someone who has successfully addressed similar challenges.

    In such cases, advocates can share their experiences and offer practical solutions, instilling confidence and trust in a brand. Advocates play a crucial role in, for lack of a better term, advocating for customers' needs and preferences within an organization. This helps to ensure their voices are heard and valued.

    Overall, customers turn to advocates for guidance, support, and validation, especially during critical decision-making moments, thus enhancing their trust, experience and satisfaction.

    A would-be customer who interacts with an advocacy program participant prior to purchasing a product or service is also much more likely to be open to joining and participating within a program, too.

  • Implementing Customer Marketing strategies, which include Advocate Marketing, can significantly enhance customer satisfaction.

    By recognizing and rewarding loyal customers through personalized communication and exclusive offers, businesses can foster a sense of appreciation and satisfaction, ultimately strengthening the customer-brand relationship.

    Customer marketing program initiatives, that begin with advocate onboarding and nurturing, create opportunities for advocates to share their positive experiences with others, further bolstering trust and loyalty.

    Leveraging customer evidence, such as a case study or testimonial video, provides social proof of the brand's value proposition, reassuring customers of their purchasing decisions and enhancing satisfaction. Additionally, it provides an outlet to establish the thought leadership of the asset / reference participant.

    Through strategic, regular customer engagement efforts and ongoing communication, business stakeholders can actively listen to customer feedback, address concerns promptly, and tailor their products or services to meet evolving needs, thereby demonstrating a commitment to customer leadership, satisfaction and retention.

    Lastly, customer advocacy programs allow customers to become active participants in the brand's success, fostering a sense of ownership and recognition that contributes a sense of overall satisfaction.

    By consistently delivering exceptional experiences and value to customers, businesses can cultivate long-lasting relationships and drive sustainable growth.

  • If you’re looking for inspiration, or simply curious about how some of the world’s most well-known brands are approaching customer advocacy, there are numerous examples to look upon. Chances are good you may have already interacted with one, or more, today!

    Apple's "Today at Apple" Program: Apple's initiative offers free educational sessions at its retail stores covering topics like photography, music creation, coding, and more. By engaging customers in creative and educational activities, Apple fosters a sense of community and advocacy among its user base.

    Amazon's Vine Program: Amazon Vine is an invitation-only program where trusted revieweqwdqddqwdrs receive free products in exchange for honest and unbiased reviews. This program leverages the advocacy of influential customers to provide valuable feedback and drive sales through authentic recommendations.

    Tesla's Referral Program: Tesla incentivizes its customers to refer friends and family to purchase Tesla vehicles through its referral program. Advocates receive rewards such as free Supercharging miles, vehicle discounts, and even invitations to exclusive events. This program capitalizes on the enthusiasm of Tesla owners to promote the brand and drive sales.

    Starbucks Rewards Program: Starbucks' loyalty program rewards customers for their purchases with points that can be redeemed for free drinks and food items. By offering personalized rewards and exclusive perks, Starbucks fosters loyalty and advocacy among its customers, driving repeat business and engagement.

    HubSpot's Inbound Marketing Community: HubSpot's community provides a platform for marketers and business professionals to share knowledge, ask questions, and network. Through this community, HubSpot cultivates brand advocates who champion its inbound marketing philosophy and products, driving awareness and adoption among peers.

    These examples illustrate how leading companies implement customer advocacy and marketing programs to engage, reward, and empower their customers, ultimately driving loyalty, retention, and brand advocacy.

    With that said, even some of our partner platforms are in on programs such as this! Influitive offers its users a VIP program to earn points and engage with other users on it’s software.

    You don’t have to be a global powerhouse to prioritize and mobilize your customer’s on your behalf- reach out directly to to schedule a free consultation and let us help formalize a game plan with you!

  • Establishing an effective customer advocacy program requires careful planning and execution. Businesses can start by leveraging the expertise of Customer Advocacy Program Consultants and utilizing Customer Advocacy Program Services. These professionals, well-versed in RMS / CAP platforms (Reference Management Software / Customer Advocacy Platforms), provide strategic guidance throughout the process, from program setup to advocate recruitment and metrics reporting.

    Businesses should define the objectives and scope of the program, identifying target audiences and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success. Advocate recruitment involves identifying satisfied customers who demonstrate loyalty and enthusiasm for the brand, setting criteria based on engagement and willingness to participate. Once advocates are identified, they need to be onboarded effectively, providing them with resources, training, and support to represent the brand authentically.

    Nurturing advocates through personalized communication, exclusive offers, and recognition is essential to maintain their enthusiasm and commitment. Developing compelling customer materials such as case studies, testimonials, and success stories helps showcase real-life experiences and outcomes, influencing potential customers.

    Implementing systems for program administration and metrics tracking is crucial. Advocacy platforms and tools such as Upland’s RO Innovation, Influitive, SlapFive, Base (formerly Crowdvocate), Orca, Deeto, and Point of Reference’s ReferenceEdge, streamline advocate relationships, track activities, and measure program performance. Metrics, provided at pre-determined intervals, that illustrate advocate engagement, referral rates, and ROI provide insights into program effectiveness and areas for improvement.

    Launching an advocate hub or online community fosters connection and collaboration among advocates, enhancing their advocacy efforts. By following these steps and leveraging the expertise of customer advocacy professionals, businesses can establish a robust program that drives engagement, retention, and brand advocacy, ultimately contributing to long-term success and growth.

    Referential believes relationships are the key to driving growth, from product to revenue, from sales to customer experience. If you’re interested in a free consultation to learn how we can help, please don’t hesitate to say hello!

  • Customer advocate outreach refers to the proactive efforts made by businesses to engage and communicate with their advocates. This involves reaching out to individuals or organizations who have shown support for the brand and its products or services.

    Through reference management systems (RMS) and / or customer advocacy platforms (CAPs) such as Upland’s RO Innovation, Influitive, SlapFive, Base (formerly Crowdvocate), Orca, Deeto, and Point of Reference’s ReferenceEdge, businesses can effectively streamline their outreach efforts while tracking all steps taken and creating notifications for continuance.

    This outreach may include activities such as recruitment for advocacy programs, providing regular updates on company developments, revalidation of existing advocates within said databases and spreadsheets and expressing appreciation for advocates' support.

    The goal of customer advocate outreach is to maintain strong relationships with advocates, keeping them informed and engaged while also encouraging continued advocacy on behalf of the brand. By nurturing these relationships and providing meaningful opportunities for advocates to participate in advocacy activities, businesses can strengthen brand loyalty, drive customer engagement, and ultimately improve customer retention rates.

    Effective customer advocate outreach is a vital component of any advocacy program, contributing to the overall success, growth and impact of the program.

  • A customer reference, managed by Reference Marketing Consultants and Reference Marketing Services is an individual or business willing to vouch for positive experiences with a product or service. They play a crucial role in advocacy programs by providing references, participating in case studies, creating testimonials, and being available for potential customers to contact for insights, ultimately contributing to successful customer engagement and retention.

    Customer references act as trusted sources of information, offering real-world evidence of the value and benefits of a company's offerings. They may be featured in various customer materials such as the aforementioned case studies, success stories, and testimonial videos, which serve to showcase their experiences and outcomes.

    Through their advocacy efforts, customer references help build credibility, instill trust, and influence purchasing decisions, thereby fostering long-term relationships between the brand and its customers. A reference manager may leverage platforms such as Upland’s RO Innovation, Influitive, SlapFive, Base (formerly Crowdvocate), Orca, Deeto, and Point of Reference’s ReferenceEdge to help streamline the process of managing customer references and ensures a seamless experience for both customers and prospects.

    Ultimately, customer references play a vital role in strengthening brand reputation, driving sales, and nurturing customer loyalty.

  • Referral marketing is a critical aspect of Advocate Marketing, leveraging satisfied customers as brand ambassadors. Referral marketing holds immense importance for businesses due to its ability to leverage satisfied customers as brand ambassadors and drive organic growth.

    When customers refer friends, family, or colleagues to a business, they essentially vouch for the brand's products or services, providing valuable social proof. This type of endorsement is highly trusted and influential, often resulting in higher conversion rates and customer acquisition.

    Referral marketing taps into the power of word-of-mouth, which is one of the most effective forms of marketing. By incentivizing customers to refer others, businesses can expand their customer base, increase sales, and improve brand awareness.

    Referral marketing is also cost-effective compared to other marketing channels, as businesses spend less on customer acquisition while benefiting from higher-quality leads. Additionally, referral marketing fosters stronger customer relationships and enhances customer engagement and retention.

    When customers are rewarded for their referrals, they feel appreciated and valued, leading to increased loyalty and advocacy. Overall, referral marketing is a strategic approach that drives sustainable growth, enhances brand reputation, and fosters long-term success.

  • Customer advocacy services can vary in complexity depending on the specific needs and goals of the business.

    While implementing and managing customer advocacy programs may require some effort and resources, they are not inherently difficult or hard. With the right strategy, tools, and expertise, businesses can effectively leverage customer advocacy to drive engagement, retention, and brand advocacy.

    Customer advocacy services typically involve activities such as advocate recruitment, onboarding, and fulfillment, as well as the creation of customer materials such as case studies, success stories, and testimonial videos.

    In addition, managing customer advocacy metrics and program administration will require some level of expertise and attention to detail. However, with the help of advocacy program consultants, ideally those with expertise in reference management systems (RMS) and / or customer advocacy platforms (CAPs) such as Upland’s RO Innovation, Influitive, SlapFive, Base (formerly Crowdvocate), Orca, Deeto, and Point of Reference’s ReferenceEdge, businesses can streamline the process of managing customer references and ensure a seamless experience for both customers and prospects.

    While customer advocacy services may present some challenges, particularly to those with little to no previous experience, they also offer significant opportunities for businesses to enhance customer relationships, drive sales, and achieve long-term success.

  • In advocacy programs, customers advocate by actively promoting and endorsing a company's products or services.

    They serve as brand ambassadors, sharing their positive experiences with others and encouraging them to engage with the brand.

    Customer advocates may participate in various activities such as providing testimonials, participating in case studies, creating advocate assets like success stories or testimonial videos, acting as beta testers for new product releases and providing feedback to help steer product direction, being asked to speak at events, and even referring new customers to the business.

    Through their advocacy efforts, customers help increase brand visibility, credibility, and trustworthiness. They play a crucial role in driving customer engagement, retention, and ultimately sales.

    Customer advocates may also contribute to advocacy program metrics by sharing their advocacy activities and outcomes, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of the program.

    Additionally, they may engage in advocate nurturing activities, such as attending training sessions or participating in advocacy events, to further enhance their advocacy skills and commitment. Overall, customers advocate in advocacy programs by actively promoting the brand and its offerings, thereby contributing to its success and growth.